EAL Writing/Grammar page



English Page
Tutorials, exercises and quizzes for intermediate and above.
Perfect English Grammar
Grammar exercises and explanations for all levels on an excellent website from the UK.
Learning English Online
English grammar, vocabulary, exercises, tests and games.
Common Tenses in Academic Writing
How to use Present Simple, Past Simple and Present Perfect in academic writing, plus guides on related grammar areas.
Citation Guide
VCC Library's quick guides for citation styles including APA, MLA, Harvard Style, Vancouver Style and ASA.
Writer's Task List
Excellent resources to develop your writing skills from Purdue's Online Writing Lab.
Submit your writing assignment and receive email feedback from writing tutors that will help you improve your skills. Free for VCC students.
Real-time help with research, citations, using the library, finding materials, evaluating sources, journal databases, and more!
Plagiarism Tutorial
Interactive tutorial on understanding plagiarism, preventing it (paraphrasing), and citing sources.
Write Online
Academic writing guide for case study reports, lab reports, literature reviews and reflective writing. Includes sample papers with feedback.
Understanding Assignments
How to write an effective response to a variety of assignments.